
Classic Literature: Ghost Style

Jane Eyre bw vintage

Yet more proof that Quirk Books and I are soulmates: yesterday on Twitter they asked people to add ghosts to classic literary titles in honor of the new Ghostbusters movie.

Here’s what I came up with:

Alice in Specterland (Lewis Carroll)

Northdanger Abbey (Jane Austen)

The Bloody Baron of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)

Wuthering Poltergeists (Emily Brontë)

The Iliadmonition (Homer)

All Quiet on the Phantom Front (Erich Maria Remarque)

Jane Scare (Charlotte Brontë)

Great Apparitions (Charles Dickens)

A Tale of Two Hamlets (Charles Dickens)

Can you think of others? Please feel free to share them in the comments!


If you liked this post, you might also like If Jane Eyre Were a Murderer…What If Werewolves Were In Jane Eyre?, and Classical Music Stories: A Study In Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes).

34 thoughts on “Classic Literature: Ghost Style”

  1. Groovy! Here are a few:

    The Driver’s Seat of the Pants – Muriel Spark (kind of works)
    The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Ghost – Oliver Sacks
    The Ghostly Spectre of Alexander Wolf – Gaito Gazdanov
    50 Shades of Grey – Simply as it’s too terrifying to look at, let alone read.

    Okay, I’m not very good at this.

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