Classical Music Stories

Classical Music Stories: Beauty and the Beast


What better way to celebrate the release of the live action Beauty and the Beast movie than to share a piece that encompasses all of the magic of the story? This piece really brought to life certain scenes in the fairy tale for me Continue reading “Classical Music Stories: Beauty and the Beast”

Books, Music

Clair de Lune in Two Popular Movies (What’s Up With That?)

movie popcorn

I find it fascinating that the classical piano piece “Clair de Lune” is used so much in movies. I mean, what is it about that specific piece that makes it so popular and meaningful? And how does using it in different movies give a new, nuanced meaning to either the movie scene and/or the music itself? Continue reading “Clair de Lune in Two Popular Movies (What’s Up With That?)”


Repetition, Fairy Tales, and Classical Music

Fairy tale castle

Have you ever thought about how much repetition there is in music? If you read my last post on the subject (Repetition in Pop Music, Classical Music, and Poetry) then you probably have! And since you guys seemed to like that post a lot I’m back to talk about other types of cool musical repetition! Continue reading “Repetition, Fairy Tales, and Classical Music”

The Other Stuff

The Most Amazing and Bizarre Public Domain Images…

This morning I was browsing Pixabay’s collection of public domain images to make my class PowerPoint presentation a little more fun. While I did find some useful pictures to help break up the text for my project, I also found some truly hilarious and weird photos that were too good not to share. Enjoy:


I’m not entirely sure what this is or what made someone think to create it but I’m Continue reading “The Most Amazing and Bizarre Public Domain Images…”


Which Cat Would Make a Better Pet: Crookshanks or Dinah?


I never really thought about it until I started writing this post, but there don’t seem to be a whole lot of pets in literature or YA books. (Maybe because the characters are off on crazy adventures so having a pet just doesn’t fit in the story?) Be that as it may, Crookshanks (Hermione’s cat in Harry Potter) and Dinah (Alice’s cat in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) are two pretty great felines. Continue reading “Which Cat Would Make a Better Pet: Crookshanks or Dinah?”