Classical Music Stories

Classical Music Stories: The Great Gatsby and Debussy

The Great Gatsby headphones music

Wow, has it really been over two years since I shared a Classical Music Story with The Great Gatsby?? We’re breaking the streak today with a short piano piece by Debussy, composer of the beloved “Clair de Lune.”

Classical Music Stories is a series that connects music to your favorite books and characters. Since listening to classical music can be like hearing a story (albeit an abstract one), imagining specific stories that match the music can make it that much more fun and accessible!

Estampes No. 3: Jardins Sous La Pluie by Claude Debussy Continue reading “Classical Music Stories: The Great Gatsby and Debussy”


Music Mash-Ups: Rock + Chopin, Rock + Opera

And one more thrown in for good measure!

If you’re like me, one of the coolest things to find is an amazing mash-up book, like with a fairy tale re-imagined in a different world or a horror retelling of a literary classic (I’m looking at you, Jane Slayre). But what I’ve been discovering more and more lately is that music can be a mash-up, too, and when it is…well, let’s just say it can be pretty cool.

So behold! My top 3 music mash-ups (at different levels of mash-upiness.) Continue reading “Music Mash-Ups: Rock + Chopin, Rock + Opera”