
If Shakespeare’s Characters Were High School Stereotypes

“I want the throne AND your lunch money…” –Lady Macbeth

While stereotypes are harmful and incorrect in the way that they oversimplify people, they’re everywhere in books, movies, and TV–especially when the setting is high school! If the characters in some of Shakespeare’s most famous plays were to be recast in this format, then, which high school stereotypes would we find?

1. The jock

Romeo from Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare: We’re always hearing about how Romeo and his friends are getting into fights with the Capulet boys, which surely keeps you in great shape. Sword fighting itself can be a sport, in a way (albeit a bloody one…). Plus, Romeo manages to kill both Tybalt and Paris, so he’s got to be pretty swol.

2. The loner

Continue reading “If Shakespeare’s Characters Were High School Stereotypes”


If Macbeth Met Thor


I can just picture Macbeth and Thor chatting until Thor lets slip that he’s not only a king, but a god:

Macbeth: (Addresses an invisible audience off to the side:)
Our fears in Thor
Stick deep; and in his royalty of nature
Reigns that which would be fear’d: ‘tis much he dares;
And, to that dauntless temper ofContinue reading “If Macbeth Met Thor”

Songs For Every Book

Songs For Every Book: Macbeth

Shakespeare headphones

I was jamming to some music this morning but when this song came on it transported me straight into Macbeth:

About Lady Macbeth:

“I was a loner
I was just waiting by myself
When you, warped temptress
Rose to bring me happiness and wealth”

About Macbeth:

“You convince yourself that you want it, but you don’t know
You keep trying to wash the blood from your hands, but it won’t go”


If you liked this post, you might also enjoy Songs for Every Book: Romeo and Juliet, Funniest Macbeth Quote Ever, and Songs For Every Book: Ophelia From Hamlet.