
Who Would Be the Worst Babysitter: Friar Lawrence or the Grinch?

I wouldn’t trust either of them within thirty-nine and a half feet of my child! But who would actually be the worst?

The Friar

Image result for friar lawrenceFriar Lawrence literally looked two teens in the eye and said, why yes, I’ll help you get married. Then he proceeded to give the EXTREMELY IMPORTANT letter detailing how Juliet isn’t actually dead to someone who has no idea what the stakes are. Shouldn’t he have said something like, “Hey man, if you don’t deliver this letter it’s going to be really, really, really, really, really bad?” Or maybe he did and the other friar just thought to himself, “Ha, another one of Larry’s jokes. What a guy!” Continue reading “Who Would Be the Worst Babysitter: Friar Lawrence or the Grinch?”

Comics: ARRRiel the Pirate Mermaid, The Other Stuff

Create-Your-Own-Comics: ARRiel the Pirate Mermaid and the Trampoline to Space

Version 6

You’ve waited a long time. You’ve lost sleep in anticipation, in fact. But now, FINALLY, ARRRiel the Pirate Mermaid is back with some new adventures (featuring my *cough* super impressive drawing skills).

Previously on ARRiel the Pirate Mermaid, ARRiel met a dinosaur and they sailed off into the sunset.

Now for their next adventure: Continue reading “Create-Your-Own-Comics: ARRiel the Pirate Mermaid and the Trampoline to Space”


If Macbeth Met Thor


I can just picture Macbeth and Thor chatting until Thor lets slip that he’s not only a king, but a god:

Macbeth: (Addresses an invisible audience off to the side:)
Our fears in Thor
Stick deep; and in his royalty of nature
Reigns that which would be fear’d: ‘tis much he dares;
And, to that dauntless temper ofContinue reading “If Macbeth Met Thor”

Comics: ARRRiel the Pirate Mermaid, The Other Stuff

ARRiel the Pirate Mermaid Comic…Part 2

(Originally brought to you by the Create-Your-Own Comic Book and back by popular demand)

Previously on ARRiel the Pirate Mermaid…


We left ARRiel on quite the cliffhanger…what would she do? Would the dinosaur eat her? Would they become friends? Would she get a hair cut???

The wait is over.

You’re welcome. Continue reading “ARRiel the Pirate Mermaid Comic…Part 2”


Red Riding Hood Silent Film with Classical Music


This past year I graduated from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance.  For my senior recital, I decided to do something a little different.  To me, the Haydn sonata I was learning sounded like the kind Continue reading “Red Riding Hood Silent Film with Classical Music”


7 Ways to Put a Robot in Your Fantasy Story


It isn’t easy putting tech into a fantasy setting. Yet it can be done! Sometimes even correctly. Here are 7 methods that might or might not work. Though looking at the ‘humor’ tag on this post, it’s probably a lot of tongue and cheek. Time travel! Nothing goes wrong with having a robot time travel […]

via 7 Ways to Put a Robot in Your Fantasy Story — Legends of Windemere

The Other Stuff

A Completely Normal Photograph

I know nothing at all about this photograph: who is in it; when it was taken; where it was taken. But I’m posting it purely because, well, you know-the guy in the tree. Perhaps in a former life he was a cat.


Did You Know That Classical Composers Were Superheroes?

Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 2.18.27 PMLudwig van Beethoven: Mind control

How else could he have ignited the fierce battle that took place between Brahms and Wagner? They were both so obsessed with pursuing Beethoven’s legacy that they must have been under his power.

But before you go thinking he’s a supervillain like Loki, he also wrote some pretty different music that stretched the boundaries of what was acceptable at that time, and everyone loved it. We still love it today. So he used his powers for good, too (wait…could we still be under his superhuman influence??).

W.A. Mozart: Super speed Continue reading “Did You Know That Classical Composers Were Superheroes?”