Classical Music Stories

Pride and Prejudice: A Choose Your Own Adventure Story with Classical Music


If YOU were in control of the story, what would happen next?

If you’re like me and love to read novels, you also love to use your imagination. Traveling to foreign places, having adventures, and experiencing all kinds of emotions and experiences through the characters we read about can be a fun escape from the world!

Classical music can also transport us into new worlds. Film scores can transport us to a very specific place, but you can imagine your own images and storyline to match any piece of instrumental music you hear!

Here’s a choose-your-own adventure version of Pride and Prejudice, then, with which you can follow along as you listen to some music written waaaaaay back in the 18th century (around when the book was actually written in the first place!). Some details are different than what you’ll actually find in the book, but others are the same.

Ultimately, the choice is yours.

What will happy to Lizzy Bennet? Continue reading “Pride and Prejudice: A Choose Your Own Adventure Story with Classical Music”

Songs For Every Book

Songs for Every Book: A Rock Star Version of Mr. Knightley

Emma Knightley electric guitar songs for every book

If rock music had been around in the 18th century, Mr. Knightley would have been majorly jamming to this song in his frustration over Emma.

She just can’t seem to get it in her head that he loves HER, not, Harriet! How could she possibly be so blind??

The Bots just get it: Continue reading “Songs for Every Book: A Rock Star Version of Mr. Knightley”


If Gatsby’s Car were Remote-Controlled (and Other Literary Vehicle Toys That Need to Happen)

The Great Gatsby car

What if you could bring a piece of your favorite book’s world into real life–a piece that you could manipulate and control? Continue reading “If Gatsby’s Car were Remote-Controlled (and Other Literary Vehicle Toys That Need to Happen)”


Who Would Win a Game of Telephone: Mrs. Bennett or Emma Woodhouse?


They’re both super nosy, after all.

Mrs. Bennett has the benefit of experience. Since she’s older she’s been gossiping for a lot longer than Emma has…with disastrous consequences of course, but it could be a plus for her in this game. Emma, however, strikes Continue reading “Who Would Win a Game of Telephone: Mrs. Bennett or Emma Woodhouse?”

Books, Music

Pride and Prejudice As Told By Taylor Swift Songs

No one captures the angst of Pride and Prejudice quite like T. Swift does. What follows, then, is a trip through this classic novel by means of some of her greatest songs:

1) Mean: When Darcy insults Lizzy’s Continue reading “Pride and Prejudice As Told By Taylor Swift Songs”


A Choose Your Own Adventure Guide to Choose Your Own Adventures

 Choose Your Own

Do you ever find yourself screaming at a character not to open that door?

If no, go to a)                                      If yes, go to b)

a) Or mentally imploring them to give that guy a chance?

If no, go to b)                                      If yes, go to c)

b) …Hmm, I guess just go to e) if you want (look for the aligned center)

c) Then Choose Your Own Adventure Books are right up your alley! They let you, the reader, choose what happens next in the story from a given set of options. Continue reading “A Choose Your Own Adventure Guide to Choose Your Own Adventures”


Detective Stories…Without Detectives (My Top 6)


The “A Tale of Two Cities” and “A Glimpse of the World With Detectives” blog posts from “Confessions of a Readaholic” have caused me to think lately about what a detective story really is (and since my posts lately been pretty much dominated by the Anna Karenina Classical Music Stories series, I thought I’d take a quick break to talk about something different).

Sure, we generally think of them as containing, well, a detective, and solving a mysterious crime. But I’m starting to think that other stories are like “detective” stories, too.

After all, when you read a book you’re always solving a mystery in a sense. You gradually discover who the characters are, what will happen to them, and/or how Continue reading “Detective Stories…Without Detectives (My Top 6)”